Preparing for a Disaster
Simply Fresh is keeping busy with our fall wedding season! At the same time, we are also preparing for hurricane disaster services catering now that the season is officially here (looking at you, Florence). While we do not normally experience the high winds and damage that hit south of us, the Washington DC Metro area certainly is familiar with the rain and damage that can hit this area.
In preparation for the storm, we have put together a list of helpful tips to ready your house in the event of bad weather. Flash floods and wind can hit any area at any time, so even if the super reliable weather man says we will only get a little sprinkle, it never hurts to be prepared for an emergency.
- Fill your bathtub with water. In an emergency, this can be used as drinking water or for basic hygiene. The recommended amount to have on hand is one gallon of water per person per day.
- Empty your dishwasher and fill with your valuables. Dishwashers latch, and are more likely to keep water out in case of a flood.
- Take pictures of every room in your house, including serial numbers. Most insurance companies accept pictures as proof of ownership to replace lost items.
- Download helpful apps to your phone. These include apps that give you a map of local gas stations who are out of gasoline, and walkie talkie apps so you can still reach loved ones if cell towers are jammed.
- Make sure you have a fully stocked first aid kit. In case of downed trees or flooding, it can be difficult to reach medical personnel. Be prepared to do basic first aid if needed.
- Stock up on non-perishables. Look for foods that won’t spoil if the packaging gets a little wet, that can be eaten without heating up, or require minimal preparation. Make sure to also have a working can opener!
- Check in with your neighbors. When disaster hits, we’re all in it together. Make sure elderly neighbors have prescriptions filled, extra batteries, and a plan if they’re on oxygen or other machines that require power.
- Entertainment. There is nothing worse than waiting out a power outage (especially with kids) when you have nothing to do. Make sure you have cards, board games, books, coloring books, etc. to pass the time.
- In case of driving in rain, NEVER drive on streets covered in water. You can never tell if the pavement is even there anymore or if it’s been washed away. Don’t take chances, stay safe. Remember: Turn around, don’t drown.
- Don’t wait. If emergency services give you directions to evacuate, listen. Their job is to keep people safe, and they don’t take chances. If they tell you to get out, it’s not a suggestion.
We constantly keep our eyes on the forecast, so we can be ready to cater in the event of a “disaster.” This includes wind storms, power outages, floods, ice storms, or heavy snow. We work around the clock to feed all the men and women working equally as hard to restore amenities to those without. They work 16 to 20 hour days to restore power to affected areas, and we work around the clock to make sure they are fed and hydrated to keep going.
Stay Safe!
Be Red Cross Ready: Hurricane Safety Check List
FEMA: Emergency Supply List