Nourish Now Needs Help!

One of our favorite groups to collaborate with are the team at Nourish Now. Nourish Now is a non-profit food bank that specializes in food recovery. They receive donated food from catering companies, restaurants, grocery stores, markets, and big box stores. This donated food is inspected for freshness and expiration dates, then repackaged and distributed throughout the community to those in need- with the ultimate goal of breaking the cycle of poverty. Through these donations and their hard work, 40 families in need are fed every day.
Nourish Now has two major events coming up, and they need our help!

Summer Meals for Students
One of their projects for this summer is an effort to provide breakfast, lunch and snack items for 5,000 students. These students all reside in Montgomery County, and during the summer months while school meals are not available, many families need assistance in making sure their children get three meals a day. According to Feeding America, 22 million children received free or reduced-price meals during the school year. However, only 3.76 million are able to receive the same benefits during the summer- that’s only 17% of kids whose families need help! Every dollar donated provides two healthy meals. Click here to help them reach their goal for the summer.
Annual Gala
The other important night is their Gala on May 31st. This is their biggest fundraising event every year, and this year’s theme is A Night in Vegas, featuring casino games. Purchase tickets now in order to help them raise money for all the hard work they do.

Nourish Now also always welcomes volunteers, and we at Simply Fresh also often volunteer our time to help sort and repackage donations, and every bit helps them get closer to their goal. Email to schedule a time during the week that you would be available to help!